Participation is optional for both parties. The meeting will take place in a safe environment and a neutral mediator will guide the parties through the conversation.
Victim-offender mediation is a nation-wide service that is managed by the police. If you are a part in a criminal case, you can ask the police whether victim-offender mediation is possible. Victim-offender mediation does not replace a punishment.
Why might victim-offender mediation be a good idea?
There are many good reasons for participating in victim-offender mediation, as you get to express your experiences, emotions and thoughts.
The victim is able to tell the offender which consequences the criminal act had and what has happened since the offence. The offender is able to explain their actions as well as gaining an understanding of the consequences and impact thereof.
Want to know more?
If you are considering victim-offender mediation as an option for you, you are welcome to address your local contact person.